COVID-19 の特徴的な症状


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[2] Northwestern Univ. - COVID toes probably more rampant than we realize (2020-04-21)
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[5] NHK - 鼻づまりないのに嗅覚に異常「新型コロナ感染を疑って」専門家 (2020-05-08)
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[8] The Guardian - New York warns of children's illness linked to Covid-19 after three deaths State reports 73 cases of children falling severely ill with toxic shock-like reaction that has symptoms similar to Kawasaki disease (2020-05-09)
[9] NHK - 米ニューヨーク「川崎病」に似た症状確認 新型コロナと関連か (2020-05-06)
[10] NHK - 脳梗塞発症 新型コロナ感染による血栓が原因か 米研究グループ (2020-05-06)


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